Thursday, August 7, 2008

Jr. Lifeguard

Austin going in for the save.
Andrew going in for the save.

Both boys wanted to do the Jr. Lifeguard program through the park and rec department this summer. They started and finished it this last week and they LOVED it. They both want to continue to do this every summer and then when old enough be a lifeguard. We were told today that Austin will be old enough next year to work at the pool, not as a lifeguard but as a "helper". He is so excited and can't wait to have a real job. It is hard to think of my baby getting ready to go to work. I was afraid this was my last summer. We are getting ready to start school in the next few weeks, next week is testing and then on the 25th we will start OFFICIALLY.

Hope everyone has had a fantastic summer. I know we have and we are even a little sad that it is coming to an end. The fair is in town so that means that summer is almost over. BUMMER!!!

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