Tuesday, September 4, 2007


Well today was our first day of school. I'm exhausted! We got everything accomplished that I had planned. The boys even seemed to enjoy it. My only problem will be pacing us because some of the stuff we have planned will be so much fun that I want to do it all today. Patience!!!!
I wish there was a way to capture the new excitement of a school year, the first day with the clean workbooks, new sharpened pencils, binders with nothing sticky on them. But eventually we will get into a routine and the workbooks will get kool aid spilled on them, pencils will get broken, binders will be plastered with stickers that tomorrow will just have to come off and leave behind stickiness. But through it all I am so grateful that I am able to experience this with the boys. Every once in while I'm able to glance across the table and catch a glipse of the young men they are growing up to be....I'm glad I get to see it. Today in our bible studies we talked about doing our best for God. Doing things completely and to the best of our abilities. Going the extra mile in making whatever we do something that is our best. I hope that through the year I will be able to look at what we have done and see that I did my best, went the extra mile and we will see the wonderful things that God is doing.

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