I can't believe it has been over a month since I've posted anything. Our lives seem to be so busy. We are once again covered over with snow, Monday it was 65 and today we have 3-4 inches of snow. Only in the mid- west. Every school in our area is out of school for a snow day and though I usually go ahead and have classes I decided that today is going to be a snow day for us also. The boys were very excited.
Our new year of school is already starting to get the blahs, you know when you start new and fresh in August and you go full steam ahead then about mid September everyone gets in a rut and you have to revamp to try and get through until Christmas break. Then by the time Christmas break is over and the new year starts you have renewed interest in making things so exciting. Then you hit February and all you can think about is SPRING!!! That is where we are at. Usually it is just the boys that need extra coaching to keep them going but this time it is ME. If mom gets the BLAH'S what hope do we have. So today I'm using the snow day to reevalute where we are at and where I what us to finish up. My problem is I put way to much pressure on myself to make everything perfect. So I'm learning as I go to try and just relax and enjoy the journey that we are on. Just the other day Austin made me step back and realize that this journey is all worth it. He told me and his Dad that when he was in public school he never really felt close to God because he was just to distracted by all he was trying to deal with in school that he did't feel close to God at all. Since home schooling he says that he feels so close to God. WOW that makes it all worth it. So my advice to any moms who may be reading this today and thinking that you aren't making any progress or making a difference in your childs life. Don't give up you just never know when your child will knock you off your rocker by telling you in their own way that "It's All Good".