Thursday, November 20, 2008
Fun Fall Day
Ok we all know that when you ask your kids to do work they usually find away to get out of it. They will eventually do the work but you have to hear about it. Well yesterday I told my boys to go out and rake leaves, I didn't hear anything which should've been my first clue. I look out the back window and this is what I see. They are raking but instead of doing what you would normally do make piles and then jump in them. They are raking and dumping them on the trampoline. They are using any and all means to accomplish their goal. What is more fun jumping in a pile of leaves on a hard ground or jumping on a pile of leaves with a bounce back? Leaves didn't get raked the way I would've wanted but the fun they had!!!
As you can see the wheels are already turning
Thursday, November 6, 2008
They are so handsome
This school year is going so fast. One thing I've noticed this year is that with them getting older we aren't doing as much "artsy" stuff that I can take pictures of and share what we are doing. We are spending a lot of time doing the 3 R's. But today both boys have asked if they can do their own art project. So maybe they aren't to old to still make things.
This last week we went and had family pictures done. My boys are growing up way to fast and they are so handsome. Yes I'm the Mom and I am biased. Here are a sampling of pics. If you would like to see the website of the Tonya who took these amazing pictures feel free to drop by and visit her. http://www.tvernon.blogspot.com/

This last week we went and had family pictures done. My boys are growing up way to fast and they are so handsome. Yes I'm the Mom and I am biased. Here are a sampling of pics. If you would like to see the website of the Tonya who took these amazing pictures feel free to drop by and visit her. http://www.tvernon.blogspot.com/

Monday, October 27, 2008
Trip to Oklahoma
I know it has been FOREVER since I posted. Things here have just been running, running. I look forward to the days that I have no where to go. This last week we travelled to Oklahoma to help my Mom move into a new apartment. I was so proud of my boys. They worked as hard as their Dad and I did. I also got one of the nicest compliments, that John and I are doing something right because of the work ethic that our boys have. That made my heart smile. While we were there we got to spend some time with my brother and his wife and their new baby.
Here are a few pictures of the boys holding their new cousin. They just love him. He is so cute!!!
My boys are cute too!!

Here are a few pictures of the boys holding their new cousin. They just love him. He is so cute!!!
My boys are cute too!!

Thursday, September 4, 2008
Jolly Good Fun!!!!
Today we should've had playing the song from Wizard of Oz..."We get up at 12 and start to work at 1. Take an hour for lunch and then at 2 we're done...Jolly good fun! Ha Ha Ha Ho HO HO and a couple of fa la la's, that's how we start the day in the merry ole land of Oz." Or in the Medlin household on a rainy day.
We stayed up last night to watch Vice Presidential canidate Sarah Palin speak. We have been learning about the Election process and how this is a historical election year. No matter who wins it will be historical. So we thought we should let them stay up and watch the speech. They were so bored, I had to sympathize I remember as a kid I hated when stuff like that was on. This was before cable and you had nothing else you could watch. So we stayed up past bedtime and then when we did get to bed I was up for the longest time with scratchy mosquito bites. I got attacked this last weekend. All that said to say we overslept. But the amazing thing is we were about and 1 1/2 off schedule and we were still able to get everything but science done. I'm posting a few pictures of how we do our work when we are being lazy:)

We stayed up last night to watch Vice Presidential canidate Sarah Palin speak. We have been learning about the Election process and how this is a historical election year. No matter who wins it will be historical. So we thought we should let them stay up and watch the speech. They were so bored, I had to sympathize I remember as a kid I hated when stuff like that was on. This was before cable and you had nothing else you could watch. So we stayed up past bedtime and then when we did get to bed I was up for the longest time with scratchy mosquito bites. I got attacked this last weekend. All that said to say we overslept. But the amazing thing is we were about and 1 1/2 off schedule and we were still able to get everything but science done. I'm posting a few pictures of how we do our work when we are being lazy:)

Saturday, August 30, 2008
First Week Completed
Our first week of the school has been completed. I must say I'm very impressed with my boys. I'm starting to see a maturity level in them that just makes me smile. I'm very excited to see what the year brings. Yesterday we spent at the library and practiced looking up different kinds of genre of books. They didn't have as much fun as I did. But then I love the library. I'm trying very hard to stir some excitement in them to read and find adventures in books. It is a work in progress. This next week I'm determined to take more pictures so you can see all we are doing.
Sunday, August 24, 2008
Say it isn't So!!!
We officially start school tomorrow. I can't believe how fast the summer sped by. Let's recap....we started the summer by vacationing in Branson. The week we returned from vacation we celebrate my husbands graduating from college with a huge party over 80 attended. We had no idea that we had so many wonderful friends. We then spend the next two months being swamped by BASEBALL, kinda sad that it is over (not really). Then we had the boys gone visiting grandparents, AHH take a few minutes to remember the quiet. I say that but I could hardly wait to see my babies back home. The start of August saw us not slowing down, we first had a party and saw off a dear friend of ours who is actually like family. Her name is Corianne Wells and she is in Germany as a foreign exchange student. If you would like to follow her adventure please check out her blog at www.corkysadventures@blogspot.com. We then travelled to Oklahoma for the wedding of my brother in law to his new bride Vicki who is from China. My husband and I stood up with them and it was an honor to do so. I then travelled to Missouri to celebrate the birthday of my new nephew. That brings us to today....exhausted. I believe that everyone is ready to get into some sort of routine again. I looking forward to sharing with you all that we accomplish throughout the school year. 7th grade is going to be huge adjustment for both student and teacher but I'm sure we have many fun times.
Thursday, August 7, 2008
Jr. Lifeguard

Both boys wanted to do the Jr. Lifeguard program through the park and rec department this summer. They started and finished it this last week and they LOVED it. They both want to continue to do this every summer and then when old enough be a lifeguard. We were told today that Austin will be old enough next year to work at the pool, not as a lifeguard but as a "helper". He is so excited and can't wait to have a real job. It is hard to think of my baby getting ready to go to work. I was afraid this was my last summer. We are getting ready to start school in the next few weeks, next week is testing and then on the 25th we will start OFFICIALLY.
Hope everyone has had a fantastic summer. I know we have and we are even a little sad that it is coming to an end. The fair is in town so that means that summer is almost over. BUMMER!!!
Monday, July 7, 2008
How we are spending our summer.

Besides spending most of our evenings at the ball field, which will be over this week...YIPPEE!!! Can you tell I'm just about done with baseball? The boys have been spending any day that isn't a ball game night at the pool. I swear they are part fish. They always have been since they were little. Austin was about 4 months old when we first put him in his little speedo and dipped him in the pool. Andrew was even younger maybe 7-8 weeks old. He was a May baby so as soon as it was warm enough we were out there swimming. The boys love to be in the water. We spent a weekend at my Mom's who lives on the lake in a gated community with a pool so the boys spent the whole weekend swimming. Here are a few of the pics that we took.
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Take Me out to the Ball Game!!!
Lately I've been living at the baseball field. For the next couple of weeks any ways. We play every Tuesday and Thursday and with all the rain we've had we been rained out quite frequently. So now we are playing almost every night of the week. Austin and Andrew are on separate teams with John coaching both teams. At times we've had both boys playing at the same time, at times in different towns. Tuesday night one of the parents showed up with his camera and took some amazing shots of Andrew's team playing. I emailed him and asked if he would be willing to stay a little after Andrew's game the next night and take some of Austin. I haven't received those yet but here are a few of Andrew AKA Lil Papi. As you can tell by the pictures I've been using lots of Shout this season to get the pants cleaned.
Andrew listening intently to his Dad.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Mother Nature in all her beauty.
Even though there were scary storms coming through our neighborhood. As usual I run outside to watch things coming in. I love to watch a storm coming in. So with this storm the boys and I were out and these are the pictures that we took. Isn't mother nature amazing!!!
One of my boys pointed out that the clouds looks like butt cheeks LOL!! Only a boy would come up with that kind of observation.
Saturday, June 14, 2008
Friday, May 23, 2008
School is out
Well we have officially finished the boys 6th grade year. We had a fabulous year with ups and downs that come with a pre teen and teenager BOYS. But I survived and they survived so I think all is good. We finished up with our middle ages unit just in time for vacation in Branson.
Which was so much fun. We were there before all of the other schools were out and the crowds were next to nothing. We got back from Branson and celebrated Daddy graduating from college. We then had a huge graduation party where almost 80 of our closest friends showed up. I wish that John's vacation couldv'e lasted for another week. I will be posting throughout the summer just because we are out of school doesn't mean we quit learning!!!!
Which was so much fun. We were there before all of the other schools were out and the crowds were next to nothing. We got back from Branson and celebrated Daddy graduating from college. We then had a huge graduation party where almost 80 of our closest friends showed up. I wish that John's vacation couldv'e lasted for another week. I will be posting throughout the summer just because we are out of school doesn't mean we quit learning!!!!
Friday, May 2, 2008
Battle Shields
We are still working on our Middle Age unit. Today we worked on making our battle shields. It was very interesting discovering what the different colors,animals and designs meant. When a knight was in battle they had to be able to distinguish whether another knight was friend or foe. You had to be able to tell all of that from their shield. The colors had to be very bright so that you could see the shields from far away. The boys thought the most interesting thing was if you had an animal that the tongues, claws, eyes were bright red. This stood for courage and fierceness. Very Interesting!!!
Monday, April 28, 2008
Gutenburg Printing Press

Andrew cutting his stamp on the potato
Austin cutting his stamp. Sample of work.

Today we studied about Johann Gutenberg and the printing of the first bible. We did a project with potatoes and cutting out the image that you want on the potato like a stamp. This was a lot more difficult than we thought it was going to be. We also quickly realized how difficult it must have been for Johann to do this, of course he was using blocks of wood. This was one of those times that because of the activity that we put with the lesson that I saw the boys get "it". Very fun. But a note to any of those who might be considering doing this, potatoes are wet and slimy. They also start to turn brown very quickly. Which at that point they start to smell funny:)
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
Medieval Weapons

We have been studying the middle ages. Today we finally got to the weapons that were used during that time period. Austin was surprised that other things beside swords. We made mini catapults that will later go in our miniature castles . So we spent all afternoon reading the very easy instructions that with both boys weren't very easy. After 2 hours we finally completed our catapults, to our amazment they worked. So now I have little paper balls throughout my house. We have enjoyed studying the middle ages and look forward to the next couple of weeks finishing up. We still have a castle,knight shields a family coat of arms and a grand finale of a feast. It should be fun and exciting.
Sunday, April 20, 2008
Day of Baseball

Yesterday we took the boys to the batting cages. They had so much fun spending time doing what they love with Dad. I however sat on the sidelines and watched. I still can't believe how much the boys have grown up in the last few years. Here they were in the batting cages with the balls flying at them at 70MPH, I still remember them trying to hit the ball off the tee.
Monday, April 14, 2008
Ear Candles?
Have you ever heard of such a thing? Well I had heard of it but never done it. Today I made a phone call to our pastor's wife who just happens to be a nurse. Austin was has had an ear ache the last couple of days and I wasn't for sure if there was something I could do over the counter instead of having to have a doctors appointment. She suggested a couple of things and then suggested that we try ear candling. So we went to the health food store and picked up our "candles". Both boys were so interested and wanted to learn more. So the lady at the health food store was so nice and showed them a book showing them what the ear canal looks like and where the waxbuild up was and how the candle would work. So we got home and went to work. Both of the boys and myself did this. Can I just say GROSS!!!! I couldn't believe the yucky wax that came out. I also can't believe how much better I'm hearing. Since it was gross both boys were very interested. I also was able to throw in a lesson on the human body, they don't realize that they had a lesson which was why it was so much fun. I was going to take pictures of what we got out of our ears, but I couldn't bring myself to do this. That is how incredibly gross it was.
Friday, April 11, 2008
Stormy Whether

Sunday, April 6, 2008
Spring Fever

I'm trying to post more frequently. Time just flies by so fast. We are trying to push strong for the next month then we will start summer break. The boys are ready and so is Mom. We started a Middle age unit last week and the boys, especially Austin are so excited. I look forward to the next couple of weeks and some of the projects that we are going to do. The boys are going to make their own shields, build a model of a castle and we will finish up with a large feast costumes optional.
Both boys are also starting baseball. They are on different teams this year. John is coaching both teams so the next few months are going to be keeping the road hot.
Last week the boys went to a 70's party at our church so I'm posting a couple pictures of the costumes that they came up with. I promise they aren't making gang symbols this is just their version of a peace sign.
Saturday, March 29, 2008
Nuts and Bolts

Saturday, February 16, 2008
Austin is 13!!!

Say it isn't so...I'm the mother of a teenager. It seems just like yesterday that Austin was telling me to mowey mowey, which was him telling me he wanted to mow. Now he is asking me "How much longer till I get to drive?" I also remember him asking for a hat rack. It took us forever to figure out he was asking for a hot dog. But they have to grow up sometime and it doesn't matter how old he gets he will always be my Aussie.
Wednesday, February 6, 2008
WOW the time has flown by!!!
I can't believe it has been over a month since I've posted anything. Our lives seem to be so busy. We are once again covered over with snow, Monday it was 65 and today we have 3-4 inches of snow. Only in the mid- west. Every school in our area is out of school for a snow day and though I usually go ahead and have classes I decided that today is going to be a snow day for us also. The boys were very excited.
Our new year of school is already starting to get the blahs, you know when you start new and fresh in August and you go full steam ahead then about mid September everyone gets in a rut and you have to revamp to try and get through until Christmas break. Then by the time Christmas break is over and the new year starts you have renewed interest in making things so exciting. Then you hit February and all you can think about is SPRING!!! That is where we are at. Usually it is just the boys that need extra coaching to keep them going but this time it is ME. If mom gets the BLAH'S what hope do we have. So today I'm using the snow day to reevalute where we are at and where I what us to finish up. My problem is I put way to much pressure on myself to make everything perfect. So I'm learning as I go to try and just relax and enjoy the journey that we are on. Just the other day Austin made me step back and realize that this journey is all worth it. He told me and his Dad that when he was in public school he never really felt close to God because he was just to distracted by all he was trying to deal with in school that he did't feel close to God at all. Since home schooling he says that he feels so close to God. WOW that makes it all worth it. So my advice to any moms who may be reading this today and thinking that you aren't making any progress or making a difference in your childs life. Don't give up you just never know when your child will knock you off your rocker by telling you in their own way that "It's All Good".
Our new year of school is already starting to get the blahs, you know when you start new and fresh in August and you go full steam ahead then about mid September everyone gets in a rut and you have to revamp to try and get through until Christmas break. Then by the time Christmas break is over and the new year starts you have renewed interest in making things so exciting. Then you hit February and all you can think about is SPRING!!! That is where we are at. Usually it is just the boys that need extra coaching to keep them going but this time it is ME. If mom gets the BLAH'S what hope do we have. So today I'm using the snow day to reevalute where we are at and where I what us to finish up. My problem is I put way to much pressure on myself to make everything perfect. So I'm learning as I go to try and just relax and enjoy the journey that we are on. Just the other day Austin made me step back and realize that this journey is all worth it. He told me and his Dad that when he was in public school he never really felt close to God because he was just to distracted by all he was trying to deal with in school that he did't feel close to God at all. Since home schooling he says that he feels so close to God. WOW that makes it all worth it. So my advice to any moms who may be reading this today and thinking that you aren't making any progress or making a difference in your childs life. Don't give up you just never know when your child will knock you off your rocker by telling you in their own way that "It's All Good".
Sunday, January 6, 2008
We had a wonderful holiday season but I am so ready to get back to some normal. If there is such a thing. We did some travelling to get to all of the Grandparents but on Christmas day we were in our own home with just our family which was nice. The boys got guitar hero and Singstar 80's style. The boys really enjoy the guitar hero and mom and dad get to go back in time with the singstar. It was like being 16 again. Tomorrow we start back classes and as usual after having a break I'm excited about starting our fresh again. Both boys would like to continue to just be lazy but mom won't allow it. Such a bummer!!! 

Austin and Andrew Rocking out
to "We're not gonna Take It"
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