Friday, September 28, 2007

Austin at the same car as Andrew but when he

got up to the have his picture taken the headlights went out.

He wasn't Happy!!!

Andrew at one of the displays at the Old Shawnee Town museum.

He is such a nut!!!

Old Shawnee Town

Today the boys and I went and visited Old Shawnee Town in Shawnee, KS. We got to see actual buildings of how things would've looked 100 years ago. It was very interesting and HOT. What started out as a cool autumn day turned extremely warm. So last week we were grateful to Henry Ford for the invention of the automobile and this week we appreciated our A/C.

Friday, September 21, 2007

Mahaffie Stagecoach

The boys did ride in this stagecoach but it wasn't until after we had climbed out that I realized even though I didn't bring the camera I did have the camera in my phone. So we just got a picture of the stagecoach. Which was so much fun to ride in.
But we all were in agreement Thank Goodness for Henry Ford!!!!!

Hands on learning

We spent a day at Mahaffie Stagecoach Station in Olathe, KS. The boys loved being able to see some of the things we have been learning.

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Andrew wants to go a little further than his

Wagons West!!!!

Austin and his covered wagon
that we made while studying pioneer living

As you can tell he doesn't
want to travel far.

Thursday, September 6, 2007

Andrew and his "Treasure"
Austin finally found his "Treasure" no
wonder it was so hard to find it is so

Andrew trying to give Austin

Austin getting very frustrated!!!!!

Andrew looking for his "Treasure"

Treasure Hunt

Today we had a treasure hunt. We have been studying Pioneers. Todays lesson was mapping and how the pioneers couldn't just go buy a map or get on the computer and use mapquest they had to use the maps that had been made by those who went before. Their maps had to be good enough that you could tell what landmarks were, places to stop were, watering holes etc. So we made our own maps. Each of the boys picked a treasure that they would hide in our yard and then they had to make a map so that the other could find the treasure. When the maps were complete I made the comment that Andrew had the better map just because his was more in depth and had a lot of information where as Austin was pretty blunt and to the point. They traded maps and the hunt was on. Andrew within 5 minutes found the treasure his brother had hidden for him. It was his prized yo-yo. Austin however searched for what seemed like forever......Finally he found his treasure which was one of his favorite lego men. So our lesson had an interesting outcome the map that we all thought was the best was the most difficult to use. I told the boys that is what the pioneers needed a precise map that could get them exactly where they needed to go. I also realized the next time we do something outside it needs to be much cooler.....LOL

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Andrew's first day of 6th grade.

Austin's Fist Day of 6th grade


Well today was our first day of school. I'm exhausted! We got everything accomplished that I had planned. The boys even seemed to enjoy it. My only problem will be pacing us because some of the stuff we have planned will be so much fun that I want to do it all today. Patience!!!!
I wish there was a way to capture the new excitement of a school year, the first day with the clean workbooks, new sharpened pencils, binders with nothing sticky on them. But eventually we will get into a routine and the workbooks will get kool aid spilled on them, pencils will get broken, binders will be plastered with stickers that tomorrow will just have to come off and leave behind stickiness. But through it all I am so grateful that I am able to experience this with the boys. Every once in while I'm able to glance across the table and catch a glipse of the young men they are growing up to be....I'm glad I get to see it. Today in our bible studies we talked about doing our best for God. Doing things completely and to the best of our abilities. Going the extra mile in making whatever we do something that is our best. I hope that through the year I will be able to look at what we have done and see that I did my best, went the extra mile and we will see the wonderful things that God is doing.