Thursday, April 23, 2009
Moon Marble
This last Tuesday our homeschool group went and visited Moon Marble in Bonner Springs. It was so much fun and the kids really enjoyed themselves. The gentleman who was making the marbles spent so much time in explaining not only how to make the marbles and even gave them a small science lesson on how the color is made. It's by the chemistry of the glass and the temp of the heat that you use to melt the glass. Very interesting!!! The only complaint I would have is they need to work on the friendliness of the lady at the front check out. I just don't understand why some people have to be so rude. But the overall experience was great and we would and will go back and visit. The beauty of the marbles are amazing. Some of the larger marbles have a price tag of $265. I'm in the wrong business:)
This is the gentleman who was demonstrating how to make the marbles.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Bowling League
This year I was looking for a more creative way to get PE into our routine, especially during the winter. Our local home school group, GAHN, brought to our attention a home school bowling league. Both boys were interested and we had a wonderful time. Last week finished up our 15 week league with both boys excited about continuing on with their bowling adventure. On the last week the bowling alley had a pizza party. They turned on the disco lights and had fun music playing. Not only did the kids have fun but the mom's did to!!!
This is how the alley looked with the disco lights on.

Friday, April 10, 2009
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
4 months?

I can't believe it has been 4 months since I posted anything. Let's just say I started this year knowing it was going to be challenging and I have not been disappointed. But it hasn't been the boys it has been me. I have found myself struggling to keep motivated. 1st we had Thanksgiving break, then we were just getting back into a groove----Christmas break. Then John had to have eye surgery that ended up being a harder recovery than we expected. He was no more back to work and I ended up with bronchittis and have spent the last month trying to recover. The boys have been troopers trying to keep up with our hectic schedule sometimes working into the evening to get all their work done because they know how important it was to stay on top of lessons. Unfortunatly we haven't had time to do anything "fun". Which is why we do homeschooling was to make learning fun. So I am hoping after spring break everyone will be well and excited to finish up the school year. In between all of the drama we have had some exciting news...Austin got his first job. He will be working at the pool as a pool attendant. We were so proud of him 150+ applicants and only 32 chosen. I'm a little sad that we have hit this point in our life with him. It isn't easy watching your little boy grow up, he turned 14 in February and I still think of him as 4. I don't think that is something that will ever change.
Andrew is still a loving, caring 12 year old in an adult body. He is 5"9 and still growing. He too is finding it hard to knowing his brother is going on to do something that he won't be doing. They have always done EVERYTHING together. I'm so proud of both of my baby boys. I'm hoping that for the spring I will update more and show all the "fun" we are having.
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Fun Fall Day
Ok we all know that when you ask your kids to do work they usually find away to get out of it. They will eventually do the work but you have to hear about it. Well yesterday I told my boys to go out and rake leaves, I didn't hear anything which should've been my first clue. I look out the back window and this is what I see. They are raking but instead of doing what you would normally do make piles and then jump in them. They are raking and dumping them on the trampoline. They are using any and all means to accomplish their goal. What is more fun jumping in a pile of leaves on a hard ground or jumping on a pile of leaves with a bounce back? Leaves didn't get raked the way I would've wanted but the fun they had!!!
As you can see the wheels are already turning
Thursday, November 6, 2008
They are so handsome
This school year is going so fast. One thing I've noticed this year is that with them getting older we aren't doing as much "artsy" stuff that I can take pictures of and share what we are doing. We are spending a lot of time doing the 3 R's. But today both boys have asked if they can do their own art project. So maybe they aren't to old to still make things.
This last week we went and had family pictures done. My boys are growing up way to fast and they are so handsome. Yes I'm the Mom and I am biased. Here are a sampling of pics. If you would like to see the website of the Tonya who took these amazing pictures feel free to drop by and visit her. http://www.tvernon.blogspot.com/

This last week we went and had family pictures done. My boys are growing up way to fast and they are so handsome. Yes I'm the Mom and I am biased. Here are a sampling of pics. If you would like to see the website of the Tonya who took these amazing pictures feel free to drop by and visit her. http://www.tvernon.blogspot.com/

Monday, October 27, 2008
Trip to Oklahoma
I know it has been FOREVER since I posted. Things here have just been running, running. I look forward to the days that I have no where to go. This last week we travelled to Oklahoma to help my Mom move into a new apartment. I was so proud of my boys. They worked as hard as their Dad and I did. I also got one of the nicest compliments, that John and I are doing something right because of the work ethic that our boys have. That made my heart smile. While we were there we got to spend some time with my brother and his wife and their new baby.
Here are a few pictures of the boys holding their new cousin. They just love him. He is so cute!!!
My boys are cute too!!

Here are a few pictures of the boys holding their new cousin. They just love him. He is so cute!!!
My boys are cute too!!

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